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Meme WArfare
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Meme Warfare
Unleash the Memeinator
Step into the meme-fuelled battlefield with Meme Warfare the ultimate 2D mobile game available on iOS and Android.
Meme Warfare
Unleash the Memeinator
Step into the meme-fuelled battlefield with Meme Warfare the ultimate 2D mobile game available on iOS and Android.
Why You’ll Dominate
Terminate Inferior Memes
Take down Memes with your unstoppable meme-crushing Cyborg. It's time to say 'Hasta La Vista Pepe', pull the trigger on the assault rifle and turn his face to mush with slugs. Prefer an old school 80's beat down? Take the broken pipe weapon into battle and club Floki in the head until his helmet implodes. The choice of demolition is yours.
Upgrade and Annihilate
Enhance your skills and gear to become the ultimate meme-destroyer. The weapons of Meme Warfare are equipped with special upgrades, so you can hang on tight to your Longslide 45. and take on enemies of various strengths. yours.
Conquer and Evolve
Earn experience points, level up, and save the blockchain from a future of inferior meme coins.
Crypto Rewards
Collect rewards and keep your Memeinator stash growing.
Battle The Final Meme Bosses
Face off against legendary meme bosses with devastating attack patterns. Use your wits and upgrades to defeat them.
Join the Memeinator Resistance Today!
Start your mission to eliminate inferior memes from the Blockchain.
Love Mobile Gaming and Memes?
So inferior human you have been playing for fun. Come with me if you want to earn! With Memeinators Quick Deployment (developed by the same CPU from the movie, yes the one who decided to destroy the world) you can jump into action with lightning-fast onboarding. In just a few minutes you’ll be set up to shoot down memes and stack up crypto.
10k NFT Marketplace
Welcome to Memeinator, the ultimate meme coin that dominates all others! Returning from 2077, a bleak dystopian world crawling with the spawn of lesser meme coins, the Memeinator is here to enact judgment and rid the world of sub-par memes.With powerful marketing, innovative product launches, and the ultimate action game; Memeinator is poised to become the most traded meme coin.Join us on our mission as we get Memeinator onto the biggest exchanges out there!
Our Whitepaper
Welcome to Memeinator, the ultimate meme coin that dominates all others! Returning from 2077, a bleak dystopian world crawling with the spawn of lesser meme coins, the Memeinator is here to enact judgment and rid the world of sub-par memes.With powerful marketing, innovative product launches, and the ultimate action game; Memeinator is poised to become the most traded meme coin.Join us on our mission as we get Memeinator onto the biggest exchanges out there!
Our Whitepaper
Not only will MMTR dominate the meme trading space of the future, becoming a staple amongst top tier meme coins, it will have genuine utility, providing access and perks in new products such as the Memescanner and the Memeinator Game.Peel back the skin and the Memeinator is powered by cutting-edge tech, fuelled by AI insights and is blasting its way through its awesome roadmap like a hot rod, nitro-fuelled, gas guzzling beast.There is now only one objective: grow the value of MMTR by eliminating threatening memes.Join the Resistance. The Memeinator needs you to enact Judgment.
The MMTR token will fuel the Memeinator’s rise to become the most-traded & valuable meme coin.
Marketing & CEX listings
Exchange Liquidity Provision
Competition Pool
Phase 1
Setting coordinates
    Initial calibration of the Memeinator requires careful planning and development, ensuring that the objective is successfully executed.
  • Team formation
  • +
  • Blockchain development
  • +
  • Community formation
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  • Powerful marketing
Phase 2
Unleashing the Memeinator
    With the Memeinator primed and ready to go we’ll be launching across a variety of platforms with the aim of overtaking the lesser memes.
  • Launch of MMTR token on market
  • +
  • Launching on popular exchanges & DEXs
  • +
  • Partnership with top tier influencers & platforms
  • +
  • Staking launched
  • +
  • Exclusive NFTs launched
Phase 3
Search and destroy
    As the Memeinator continues its journey, we look forward to developing both in terms of scale and product innovation.
  • Listing on Tier1 exchanges
  • +
  • Memescanner launched
  • +
  • Memeinator game: Meme Warfare launched
Phase 4
Meme Domination
    Memeinator has now overtaken and eliminated numerous shitcoins and unworthy memes, and has its eyes set on taking down the bigger fish.
  • Launch on the biggest exchanges in the world
  • +
  • Meme replicants launched
  • +
  • Gain no.1 market cap amongst meme coins:
Buy Now
Marco Tonetti
Head of Product
With over 18 years of experience spanning crypto, product & game development, Marco is the man with a plan for product, and is vital to the success of the product ambitions of Memeinator
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30.3k+ followers
Dylan Lee
Head of Community
An expert in Web3 & community building, Dylan brings a wealth of knowledge from a number of of roles within sucessful cryptocurrency projects
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6.1k+ followers
What is (the) Memeinator?
The Memeinator is a new crypto project that leverages AI technology, powerful viral marketing and a voracious dislike of crap memes to advance itself to become the ultimate meme coin token. The Memeinator doesn’t mess around and has a mission to hit a $1B market cap, launching new products like the Memeinator game & the Memescanner along the way.
How do I claim my MMTR tokens?
Anyone who purchased MMTR tokens on the official site can claim their tokens at the end of the presale using the same wallet that was used to purchase. Details will be announced on official channels nearing the end of the presale in Q1 2024.
Do you have customer service?
Yes we do! You can contact us using live chat, via our social media or simply fill in your details on our support page and one of the team will get back to you.
Is there staking on Memeinator?
Yes there will be! We will announce the full details of the staking pool and rewards at the end of the presale.
Where can I buy Memeinator (MMTR)?
For the time being, MMTR is only available to buy on the memeinator website, we will be on multiple exchanges upon release.
How do I speak to the marketing team?
For marketing enquiries, please email contact@memeinator
Is the Memeinator project audited?
Yes! Our project and team have been audited by Solid Proof and you can read the result on the Solid Proof website here.solidppfo
Do you run competitions and can anyone enter?
We run a range of competitions every week that anyone can enter. Alongside this, we also have our flagship competitions open to MMTR token holders that you can read about on the website or on the social channels. Check out our linktree and gleam competitions for more info.
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